Corcoran USD students walking together holding hands

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions about district policy and procedure, you’re in the right place. For more details about any of our policies, please refer to the student handbook located in the parent and student quick links on the Home page. If you have a question we have not answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to speak to you in person.

What is the K–8 dress code for CUSD Schools?

Please refer to the K–8 Dress Code Policy for complete details.

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What if my child is ill and has to stay home?

Parents and guardians can find the qualifying reasons for an excused absence in our student handbook, located under the parent and student quick links on the Home page. When a student is absent, the parent or guardian has two weeks to excuse the absence with a signed and dated note or a phone call to the school office. The administration may request a doctor’s note in the case of excessive absences. 

Teachers will allow students with documented excused absences to complete missed assignments and tests within a reasonable amount of time for full credit.

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Can my child eat breakfast or lunch at school?

All CUSD schools are pleased to provide our students with healthy meals that meet the nutritional requirements of the National School Lunch Program. Students can purchase low cost breakfast and lunch at each school cafeteria. Reduced-price and free meals are also available to qualifying students. Please refer to our Food Services page for more information.

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Can my child leave campus for lunch?

Bret Harte, Fremont, Mark Twain, John Muir, and Kings Lake Education Center are closed campuses. Students may not leave the school grounds during school hours without permission. Parents who want their child to go home for lunch should send a signed request to the school principal. 

CUSD does allow students in 9th through 12th grade to leave campus during lunch under Section 44805.5 of the Education Code which states that, “neither the school district nor any officer or employee thereof shall be liable for the conduct nor safety of any pupil during such time as the pupil has left the school grounds pursuant to this section.” Students who leave campus for lunch must obey the following rules:

  • Students must be on time to class after lunch.
  • Students driving cars during lunch may not cruise the campus, Whitley, or Letts Avenues.
  • Students may not litter the school grounds or private residences with trash of any kind.

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What is Medi-Cal Billing?

Our school district has entered into an agreement with the California Department of Education and the Department of Health Services allowing us to collect federal funds from Medi-Cal for some health services that we provide at school free of charge. In order to do this, we must also offer the option to bill private insurance. Our district’s registration form now includes the necessary information for this billing; parents/guardians must complete this form for all students. 

Please be sure to complete the appropriate sections on the registration form with a check mark in the YES/NO box, and please indicate your health insurance policy group numbers. The health services we provide at our schools will not change, and we will not bill parents for any of these services. We simply need this documentation in order to receive the federal funds. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

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Is bus service available in my neighborhood?

CUSD provides transportation to and from school for the following students:

  • Kindergarten through third grade students who live more than ¾ mile from the nearest school.
  • Fourth through 12th grade students who live more than two miles from the nearest school.

Please visit our Transportation page for more information.

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